I’ll talk a bit about how I celebrate Christmas. Even if it
isn’t Christmas just yet, it’s only five days away. First of all as Christians
we celebrate Christmas focusing mostly on the “Christ” part of Christmas. I was
told when I was very young that Santa Claus did not exist. Nor did his home on
the North Pole, I mean I know the North Pole exists but it isn’t where Santa
has his reindeer, elves, and house. My parents taught me the meaning of
Christmas when I was little and I’ve heard the story about a million times. My
mom even created a book with Bible scripture about Jesus’ birth, why we
celebrate Christmas. We read that book every Christmas for as long as I can
remember. I love that book! We never had a Christmas tree or lights or any
decorations until about three to four years ago. We now have a tree, lights,
and a few decorations. We have a tradition every Christmas morning of my mom
cooking coffee cake and putting a candle in it, we’ll sing Happy Birthday to
Jesus and then blow the candle out. After we eat, we’ll read the book and then
open our presents. We’ll then spend the day using our presents and chilling
I love
spending Christmas with my family. I love reading the book and eating coffee
cake and eating a big lunch. I love opening presents that I know they thought
of me when they bought them or made them. I love doing nothing all day. I may
not get an iPhone or a new TV for Christmas; instead I have wonderful family
time. I’m blessed to have such an awesome family. I’ll miss them something
awful when I go to college, maybe I’ll make it back for Christmas. Christmas is
a time for family, God included; it is not about the presents or even the food.
It’s time for people to stop thinking about what they get for Christmas from
their friends and family but the Ultimate Present from God: Jesus.
Christmas, until next time!
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