I wanted to have a real inspirational blog post but I had nothing so instead I’ll resort to doing the other half of questions about myself. So without further ado, here are twenty-five other random questions/facts about me!
1. Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I wanted to be a famous singer and a mom when I grew up, I would sing as a teen and once I turned twenty I would get married and have kids. Now though, I’m still figuring it out, although I still want to be a mom I no longer wish to be a famous singer.
3. When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
I will probably read or listen to music.
4. What would you name the autobiography of your life?
Something along the lines of “The Journey of Katarina Fenn”
5. What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
This is a super hard question because there are so many good songs that I would love to have. I’ll say two that I can think of off the top of my head: Free To Be Me by Francesca Battistelli and Centuries by Fall Out Boy.
6. Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best?
Moving to Zambrano, as we had only lived in Honduras for about three months it was hard to think of moving again, plus the way we had to move and it wasn’t really our decision made it hard. It ended up turning out for the best as we met some amazing people and some other great things that would have never happened, happened because we had moved!
7. What was one of the best parties you’ve ever been to?
I don’t really go to parties in the way I think this is meant to be so I’ll just say that the best Birthday Party I’ve been to has been my Quince, when I turned fifteen and we had a really cool celebration!
8. What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up?
The last movie was Courageous, the last TV show was Suits (I think), and the last book was The Book Thief that made me cry or tear up.
9. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
I can’t think of the exact hardest thing, it’s more of certain decisions I make concerning my friends which tend to be the hardest I’ve ever had to make, like choosing whether or not to go to this party that I’m supposed to go to and I want to go to but I’m not sure if I should even if I have permission.
10. What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?
Recently I had a close friend completely lie to me and she’s lied to me before and thrown me into bad situations before but this time it was different, it showed me who she really was and that I can still be her friend but not trust her. I had to forgive her which was hard since I was really hurt, but I came out knowing that I have an awesome best friend (she was also lied to that same night) and that I can forgive the people I really don’t feel like forgiving.
11. What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?
I was an angry child and so I would be really mean to my siblings and because I was so mean to them, my parents thought it was always me who was causing trouble concerning them which it wasn’t always me, just sometimes. I think just my crappy attitude got me in trouble in my family, outside my family I was the sweet little kid and then at home I was mean (not all the time, but a lot of the time).
12. When was the last time you had an amazing meal?
My mom is an amazing cook so usually anything she makes, so the last thing she made was pizza and that was amazing!
13. What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever given/received?
I’m terrible at giving gifts outside my family, so the worst gift I’ve given has probably been to people outside my family and the best gift I’ve given was a book to my sister (me and my sister bought it for her) that was a dictionary for all J.R.R Tolkien’s books. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a “worst” gift and the best gift was probably my kindle.
14. What do you miss most about being a kid?
Well I still kind of am a kid, but I think it was how little I cared about things, I was able to play and not worry about stuff coming the next day.
15. What is your first memory of being really excited?
When I was in preschool of day-care I would only stay half the day and I’m not sure why but I always left before lunch and nap time. I really wanted to stay for nap time and again I don’t know why because I didn’t actually like napping. I just wanted to eat my lunch and lie on a cot and take my nap at the place. So the teacher said that if I was a good girl I would get a star per day and if I got a certain amount of stars I would be able to stay and take my nap. I did it! I just remember that I was able to do it and I stayed for a nap, which wasn’t all that cool but either way I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish!
16. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
I either bought some kind of toy or candy.
17. When was the last time you were nervous?
When I sang on worship team and I realized I forgot how a part went and it was too late to practice it again.
18. What is something you learned in the last week?
That you can’t jump to conclusions about some types of things, things don’t happen the same way twice.
19. What story does your family always tell about you?
Depending on who it is but it usually has to do with me making my sisters do something that was dumb, me being lazy, or me being clumsy.
20. At what age did you become an adult?
Technically I’ll be an adult in a few months (18) but I tend to be a bit crazy yet responsible so I have no clue when I’ll be considered an “adult.”
21. Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate.
Sometimes I think it is because for me pictures bring back memories of the past and so when I look at a picture I can say, “Oh, this happened in x-y-z place and blah blah blah.” I can remember all that went on around the picture. Sometimes I forget about a specific memory and a picture and help me remember the memory.
22. Where’s Waldo?
This is a weird question, but I’m going to say he’s in the book where he is supposed to be hidden…
23. The best part of waking up is?
I don’t know because I don’t really like waking up but if I was to give an answer I’d say eating breakfast.
24. How now brown cow?
Again, a weird question and I have no clue what it means because I’ve never heard it before. So… good?!
25. Whasssssuuuupppppp?
Nothin muuuuuuch!
Some of these questions are a bit odd, but I just pulled them from a site online so I don’t really know why they’re there! Hoped you enjoyed this little bit about me!
Goodbye, until next time!
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