Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Best Part of Being an MK

The best part of being an MK is being able to have a story that is unique. There are very few others who share this same title, and those that do don’t have the same background. Some people have lived in five other countries, others have lived in three, others are MKs in their passport country, and still others have lived longer than I have in Honduras, others less. No matter what, your MK story is yours. The only people who come close to having the same story are your family members, but my view on being an MK is going to differ from that of my little brother.
                I’ve always loved the idea of being unique. When I think of being unique, I think of myself as special. I guess that’s the point but still, I love being unique. Thus, it makes it all the more wonderful to be a MK. I’m unique for just being me, but now I’m unique because of where I am and why. When people ask where I’m from I take a deep breath and say, “Well I was born in Texas, raised in Connecticut and moved to Honduras when I was ten.” Even though it might be bother sometimes to have to explain that, I secretly like it because it makes a great conversation starter. I don’t know, I just find it so cool to be able to call myself an MK. There’s a certain thrill to saying it: I’m an MK.
                This is a short blog post but I’ve been out of inspiration the past few weeks, to be honest. Plus, I figured I had already given the worst part of being an MK, it was time to give the best part of being an MK. So, I hope you enjoy this little blog post!

                Goodbye, until next time! 

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