When I
return to the States, I am much shorter than the people around me and I look
younger than most people as well. My appearance seeming to be younger is due to
all the make-up 12 year olds wear these days and my height is due to my genes,
thanks mom and dad. Once you place me next to kids my age though, even though I
don’t look their age, I act older than them most of the time. This is a very
confusing time for me because I never know how to act like them.
Here in Honduras I don’t
necessarily act my age nor do I act older than it. I’m in between the two.
Sometimes when placed with certain people, I’ll appear to be older than I am
and the same goes that if I’m with other people I can act my age. In the States
I constantly seem to be more mature than the kids my age. My theory is that
because of the move to Honduras at 10, I’ve had to go through with things that
many kids won’t go through. Just the moving away from everything familiar into
somewhere foreign, several kids won’t go through that until they move away to attend
college. Most kids my age haven’t had to say goodbye as many times as I have. Most
kids my age don’t speak two languages. This is all based off of kids in the States;
most of them wouldn’t have experienced what I have while kids from other
countries might have.
Maturity is all about
perspective. I act very immaturely at times (in a good way of course) and other
times I act very mature. There are a lot of factors that come into play here. Several
things may change depending on the circumstances you are in. I do feel though
that adults look at MKs as if they are more mature sometimes and maybe that
makes it worse. We can’t connect all the more because the adults are expecting something
of us. Either way, I can act either immature or mature and I’m sure all MKs
can, just takes the right circumstance to bring it out.
Goodbye, until next time!
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