Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Power of Words

“Yes the Führer decided that he would rule the world with words. ‘I will never fire a gun,’ he devised, ‘I will not have to.’ Still, he was not rash. Let’s allow him at least that much. He was not a stupid man at all. His first plan of attack was to plant the words in as many areas of his homeland as possible. He planted them day and night, and cultivated them. He watched them grow, until eventually, great forests of words had risen throughout Germany….It was a nation of farmed thoughts.” (The Book Thief by Markus Zusak)
Although this quote is talking about Hitler using words to rule Germany and then kill thousands of innocent people, it is a very powerful quote that does not just apply to Hitler. This quote is very deep, discussing how powerful words are. I bet you’ve heard your parents telling you to be careful of what you say. And if you’re old enough you know that words can kill. We seem to always underestimate the power of words.
We look at twenty-six different letters and we see how they have millions of combinations that create thoughts and ideas. Isn’t it amazing how that works? Twenty-six letters can kill someone. I bet you’ve heard this and it’s now cliché to you, but it’s so true. Take a look though, twenty-six letters can also give someone life. We tend to look at the negative impact of words more than we look at the positive impact of them. Just as Hitler used his words to convince people to create a “better” or “perfect” Germany by killing Jews, Martin Luther King Jr. used his words to promote equality in the United States.
Sometimes it is harder to use words for good, as it’s so much easier to yell an insult than a compliment. Maybe that’s why most people hear how words hurt not how words heal. But also, meaner words tend to become lodged deep in the heart while nicer words tend to bounce off. Why? How come a “you’re ugly” sticks more than a “you’re beautiful?” I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that God’s words stick. They tell us over and over again that we are saved and loved. He tells us not to be afraid. He tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made. He tells us how perfect His creations are. It’s a lot easier to tell yourself to stop listening to the bad words than it is to actually ignore them. But we need to. We need to ignore the bad and accept the good. The Bible is the most read piece of literature in the world. Maybe Hitler used words to gain power and then to try to wipe out an entire race, but God uses words to display His power and to show how much we are loved.

Words hurt. That’s a known fact. An almost unknown fact is that words also heal. I used to believe that I was nothing until I had a real relationship with God. Now I know I’m cherished and loved. It still hurts sometimes when someone insults you, but I’ve got God who’ll tell me right after that those words are nothing and He loves me. Because it’s very hard to ignore the crap (excuse the word) that people sometimes throw at us, I’ll say instead: speak nice words. It is hard to give compliments or to just be nice in general but if we want others to start changing the ugly for the pretty, we need to do the same. I need to do the same. I’ll say things that I don’t necessarily mean, they just come out. I need to control my tongue. Today though, I resolve to try my best to say the nice things instead of the bad. If I want the world to change, I need to help change it. If you want the world to change, you have to help change it. If we want the world to change, we must help it to change. Hitler changed the world but so did Martin Luther King Jr. and Jesus Christ. We decide whether our words will hurt or heal. We have the choice to either change the world for good or for bad. Which will it be? And I know it’s not an easy journey but if we try our very best, we can do it. Let us aspire to be world changers through our words. Twenty-six letters, millions of combinations, millions of little ways to change the world.

Goodbye, until next time!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Celebration

I’ll talk a bit about how I celebrate Christmas. Even if it isn’t Christmas just yet, it’s only five days away. First of all as Christians we celebrate Christmas focusing mostly on the “Christ” part of Christmas. I was told when I was very young that Santa Claus did not exist. Nor did his home on the North Pole, I mean I know the North Pole exists but it isn’t where Santa has his reindeer, elves, and house. My parents taught me the meaning of Christmas when I was little and I’ve heard the story about a million times. My mom even created a book with Bible scripture about Jesus’ birth, why we celebrate Christmas. We read that book every Christmas for as long as I can remember. I love that book! We never had a Christmas tree or lights or any decorations until about three to four years ago. We now have a tree, lights, and a few decorations. We have a tradition every Christmas morning of my mom cooking coffee cake and putting a candle in it, we’ll sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and then blow the candle out. After we eat, we’ll read the book and then open our presents. We’ll then spend the day using our presents and chilling out.

                As an MK, Christmas has been a bit different for the past, almost, seven years. We don’t have snow and it isn’t nearly as cold as it would be in the United States. It does get chilly but there isn’t frost or anything that cold. In all the movies it always shows people playing in the snow when it is Christmas time, yet I know several Hondurans who have never seen snow. Snow does not equal Christmas. We still see lights up here in Honduras but not nearly as many or as extravagant as in the States. Also, because we live so far away we haven’t been back to the States for Christmas in all the years we’ve lived here. It’s very expensive to travel to the States in general at this time of year, even more for six people, plus it’s such a short time. We have to find other ways to celebrate like we used to do in the States. In the States we would spend one year with my grandparents and other family on my mom’s side and the next year with my other grandparents and family on my dad’s side. We would have big parties on Christmas Eve but still have our little Christmas with only us six on Christmas Day.We’d eat a lot of food both days and play in the snow and give presents to each other. Now we can’t do that since all our family is several miles away. The last two or three years we went to one of my close friend’s on Christmas Eve and had a big dinner with our church family. But they recently moved and we’re figuring out what we’ll do instead. I think we’ll have a small dinner with some friends that stayed in the country for the holidays. On Christmas Day we resort to having a big lunch and doing nothing all day, just us six. We tried having a party on Christmas Day with friends but it was a lot of work, so we said it was more fun to just do nothing.
                I love spending Christmas with my family. I love reading the book and eating coffee cake and eating a big lunch. I love opening presents that I know they thought of me when they bought them or made them. I love doing nothing all day. I may not get an iPhone or a new TV for Christmas; instead I have wonderful family time. I’m blessed to have such an awesome family. I’ll miss them something awful when I go to college, maybe I’ll make it back for Christmas. Christmas is a time for family, God included; it is not about the presents or even the food. It’s time for people to stop thinking about what they get for Christmas from their friends and family but the Ultimate Present from God: Jesus.

                Merry Christmas, until next time!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

25 Questions

Sorry, but because I didn’t have time to write an official blog post, I decided to do one about random facts about me. So I looked up some “get to know me” questions and I decided to do 25. So whether you think you know me well or you don’t know me well, here are 25 random questions about me:

What was your favorite food when you were a child? When I was a kid I loved my mom’s Chili con Carne, I still love it but then it was my favorite meal ever.

What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? I don’t have an iPod so I’ll just give my two favorite songs right now. I always change my favorite songs, about each week I have a new favorite song. But I’ll give two, one Christian; Kerrie Roberts What Are You Afraid Of, and one Secular: Ed Sheeran Thinking Out Loud.

What is one of your favorite quotes? For this one I’ll give my favorite Bible verse: “I knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, before you were born I set you apart.” Jeremiah 1:5. And my favorite quote is: “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be someone who hates peaches.” Lana del Rey (I’m not a big fan of her, but I really love this quote and I find it so true!)

What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? My favorite indoor activity besides being on my computer, is reading. My favorite outdoor activity would probably be reading as well, I’m basing this off of if I was alone. I wouldn’t be exercising outside or inside for that matter, I don’t enjoy exercise and there isn’t much else to do outside. I used to play outside but I’m kind of old for that now!

What chore do you absolutely hate doing? I used to hate doing the dishes but now it’s routine and it isn’t that bad. That’s the only chore I really do, but I can say for sure I hate taking the food out from the sink, it’s really gross!

What is your favorite form of exercise? None! If I would do exercise it would be by playing soccer or swimming. But I really don’t like exercise.

What is your favorite time of day of the week/month of the year? My favorite time of day is the night actually; I tend to think better at night. I’m not a morning person so night is better or early evening or late afternoon I like too. In the States I like the Fall months but in Honduras I like the months at the end of rainy season but before dry season.

What’s your least favorite mode of transportation? It would probably be the public buses in Honduras because they are noisy, smelly, and scary.

What is your favorite body part? This is an odd question but I’d say my eyes.

What sound do you love? I love the sound of rain on a window or on the tin roofs here in Honduras; or just the rain in general. I find it soothing and relaxing.

If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for? I don’t know what I would throw a party for, maybe just a get-together where I’d have all my close friends and we’d eat junk food and watch movies and stay up all night, maybe music, but good music, too. It would be for my closest friends to meet finally!

If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint? I would paint the hills of Honduras, they are absolutely beautiful! But I can’t draw to save my life, so it’s better I don’t!

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? Forever is a long time, I’d say 25 because I’m not too young nor too old and I think it would be fun to stay that age, it wouldn’t be weird for me to have kids or not. I think it would be cool!

If you knew the world was ending in 2015, what would you do differently? I would spend all my time with family and friends, in person though. I would try to love them to the best of my ability and I would try to lead the non-Christian friends to Christ as I’d hate to be separated from them. I would try to be nicer to people, even when they are mean, and I might try to be a bit more vulnerable but I don’t know.

If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor? I would pick Queen Esther from the Bible because she was awesome, I think she is a wonderful role model and I admire her.

If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? I would like to witness the coming of Christ, in the future.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I would like to learn how to dance, as I can’t dance to save my life as of right now.

If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be? I would like to work on a movie, I’d like to act for a movie and make sure that it’s good so it would take a year to film!

If you were immortal for a day, what would you do? I would try jumping from really high up, because I know I wouldn’t die when I hit the bottom, but I might be too scared to do it. I might try some life threatening stunt because I know I could survive!

If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to? I wouldn’t want to change my name but if I had to I would change it to Anastasia.

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? I would meet either Taylor Swift or Queen Esther.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? I would make sure my family had everything they needed, maybe buy them (us) a bigger house or I would help my mom with anything our ministry needs or help my dad with his education revolutionary ideas.

If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be? I don’t believe in reincarnation but if I did I would want to be mint chocolate chip ice cream because it’s delicious.

If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?” what would it be? My question would be: How does God see me? Like am I following Him to the best of my ability or am I slacking off?

If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? I would want to be either Hermione Granger from Harry Potter or Olaf from Frozen.

Goodbye, until next time!